News & Events

Opening for Daniel Freeman Paintings: The American Dream Series
Hope to see you there! Tugboat Tea Company, this thursday. RSVP on the facebook event
PLG Arts Membership Drive
Dear Neighbor, Please join us at the PLG Arts Membership Launch Cocktail Party! Help us support the arts, the neighborhood, and your quality of life in one fell swoop! Come to our special cocktail party to meet current and new members, and learn more about our goals,...
LANDSCAPES, FROM TOP TO BOTTOM | Opening Reception November 14th
by Robert Marvin Please join us for the reception for a show of recent black and white landscape photographs by PLG Arts VP Bob Marvin. The show will run from November 7th through Thursday December 5th, as part of the PLG Arts Tugboat Local Artists series, which Bob...
Jazz Singer at the Inkwell Friday
Friday, June 13, 7-9 pm The Jon Menges Quartet gets you on your feet with swing, Latin, and contemporary jazz. They perform originals, standards (George Gershwin, Cole Porter) and jazz masters (Miles Davis, Wayne Shorter) to win the hearts of audiences who like their...
NOV 1: Opening Reception for Group Show @ 65 Fenimore
Local Dorsey Gallery Artists curate a show of neighborhood artists at 65fen! Join us for the opening reception this Friday November 1st, from 6-9pm! RSVP on Facebook Work by: Pat Paw Paw Purcell Geter Sharalet Kee Haywood Yaw Sambo Williams Diane Grazzette Collins...
Tina Richerson & the DJ–Friday, Oct 25, 7-9 pm, at the Inkwell Cafe
Tina Richerson brings an unapologetic and bold musical voice to soar over soundscapes created by a mixture of dance beats, ambience, and revival sermons. Drawing upon the traditions of jazz, blues, funk and soul, Richerson on saxophones meets up with Christ Stromquist...

Raul Pacheco Jr Opening Reception @ Tugboat Tea Company
Join us for the opening reception at Tugboat Tea Company! Raul's paintings look great! Vibrant and energetic! Oct 17th 6-9pm. Chicago-born Raul Pacheco spent his young adulthood in Miami Beach, where he was profoundly influenced by the city's visual and aural energy....
Jazz@the Inkwell presents….
Art Lillard Trio featuring Marion Cowings, vocalist This Friday, October 11, from 7-9 pm….at the Inkwell Cafe, 408 Rogers Ave betw Sterling & Lefferts Aves Drop in on your way home from work, on your way out, or just to hear some fantastic music! Drummer...

Opening Reception Sept 19th – Sally Mara Sturman at Tugboat
“Weather Report from ….The Ocean, The Garden and The Fish Stand” Join us for the opening reception for the latest in our Local Artist series at Tugboat Tea Company. From Sally: I was born in the windy city and grew up in Connecticut. My art education began at...
Friday, Sept 13: Kane Mathis@the Inkwell
Friday, Sept 13, promises to be a day of good luck as we change dates and times for the Jazz@the Inkwell series. The new fall lineup begins with Kane Mathis from 7-9 pm on Friday, Sept 13. Stop in on your way home from work and/or on your way out. You'll hear Kane mix...
Women’s World II @ Dorsey Gallery Sept 8-22nd
The Dorsey Art Gallery Presents a new exhibition featuring the work of Diane Davis, Willie Mae Brown, Tabitha Theogene, and Laura James.
PLG Arts Theater
Presents an evening of theater and spoken word performed by PLG artists and special guests Saturday, August 17th at 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:45 pm) Inkwell Café 408 Rogers Ave, between Sterling and Lefferts Excerpts from One Journey Written and performed by Yadira...
Painting Reception followed by a Jazz Vocalist Performance PLG ARTS is pleased to present a perfect summer evening of the Arts in Prospect Lefferts Gardens. We are presenting TWO events, minutes away from each other, all within the neighborhood. Starting at 6pm, join...
New York Classical Theater Presents Anton Chekov’s The Seagull
Hey PLG! There is a Theater performance, happening within walking distance, in the park, for free, next week! All-FREE Off-Broadway Theatre! by Anton Chekhov Translation by Jean-Claude van Itallie Directed by Stephen Burdman No tickets required - just show up! After a...
Brianne Walasek Art show at Tugboat Teacompany
Stop by Tugboat Tea Company for the month of June 2013 to see the great paintings by Brianne Walasek. Join us for the opening reception June 12 @ 6pm Tugboat Tea Company 546 Flatbush Avenue (between Lincoln Rd. & Maple St.) more details on the facebook...
Art and Music on Rogers Ave!
PLG Arts presents, ART & MUSIC on Rogers Ave. This Sunday, June 2nd, as part of the Prospect Lefferts Gardens House & Garden Tour join in the fun on Rogers Avenue. PLG ARTS at the INKWELL 408 Rogers Avenue (between Sterling St. and Lefferts Ave.) PLG Arts...
Jazz @ the Inkwell
Just to give you a little taste of what you can expect at the Inkwell. Join us tonight for Aleksi Glick! 8-10:30 pm Aleksi Glick and his band come to the Inkwell tonight May 23, for another great night of music in the PLG Arts Jazz at the Inkwell series. Aleksi was...
Now Showing! Karl McIntosh @ Tugboat Tea Company
Now through the end of May! @ Tugboat Tea Company, 546 Flatbush Avenue and check out 14 works by local PLG Artist Karl McIntosh. And stay tuned for next month's artist Brianne Walasek!
PLG Arts group show at Tugboat Tea Company
PLG Arts presents our first group show at Tugboat Tea Company, 546 Flatbush Avenue, between Lincoln Road and Maple Street. The show will be hung on the evening of April 1stand will run from April 2—30 and will feature the work of twenty-two local artists in many...

GO Brooklyn Open Studio Weekend in PLG
Come out this weekend! September 8th and September 9th - 11 - 7pm. There are 24 Prospect Lefferts Gardens artists. Come out and show your support! Info below... WALK / BIKE TOUR INFO & SCHEDULE: Each tour will include visits to more that 5 Studios in Prospect...