On September 8-9, 2012,
24 Prospect Lefferts Gardens artists will open their studios to the community as a part of the Brooklyn Museum “GO Brooklyn Art” project. Community members registered as voters can nominate artists for inclusion in a group exhibition to open at the Brooklyn Museum on December 1, 2012.
This month, PLG arts will spotlight 24, GO PLG ARTISTS from the neighborhood.
How do you feel about being a part of “GO BROOKLYN ART”?
“I am super excited and stressed out! I hope a lot of folks come out to see what artists in PLG are up to. It is my first open studio experience, so I feel the same anxiety I have before a dinner party. I am impressed by the scale of the project but like to look past the ‘competition’ aspect. For me, it is about creating relationships in communities together around artistic practice and appreciation. I am very much looking forward to the Go Brooklyn Art weekend and the new people I will meet.”
Is there anything about your PLG neighborhood that gives you inspiration to create?
“I am a landscape painter and living so close to Prospect Park has been amazing. I am there at least several times a week. I also enjoy getting to know folks in the community. There is a lot of energy here as well as a healthy dose of chaos.”
Noel Hefele– GO PLG ARTIST
Address: 408 Rogers Ave, Brooklyn NY 11225